Friday, 27 May 2016

Leave campaign outstrips Remain fundraising as wealthy donors dig deep

Financial Times 28/05/16
Sarah Gordon Harriet Agnew and Conor Osullivan
Leave campaign outstrips Remain funding as wealthy donors dig deep
The campaign to take Britain out of the EU raised more than twice as much money in recent weeks as its remain opponent. Leave organisations recieved more than £4 million between April 22 and May 12, according to data published by the electoral commission, compared to 1.6 million for remain campaigns.

Vote Leave the official Out campaign recieved £3.6 million of the total, while Britain Stronger in Europe, the official remain campaign, recieved more than £1 mn of the total. "Today its clear Vote Leave have deep pockets and they have secured three times as much funding as our campaign,." said Will Straw executive director of Britain Stronger in Europe.

 Paul Stephenson, communications director of Vote Leave, said the donation data showed "that our campaign has momentum, and theirs hasn't. They are failing to raise money at a crucial point in the campaign and people are being turned off by their scare tactics," 

The largest individual donation during the period was £850,000 to Vote Leave from International Motor, a Birmingham based company which trades in the UK and Switzerland, and is chaired by Lord Edmiston, IM group which also gave £100,000 to Grassroots Out. The second largest donations were also to Vote Leave campaign - £600,000 each from Gladys Bramall and Jeremy Hosking. Mr Hoskings is a private equity veteran.Miss Bramall is a former director of Construct Equip a tool hire company.

David Sainsbury continued to provide substantial financial support to the remain campaign, giving £200,000 to scientists for the EU, £100,000 to the European movement and a further £67,000 to the official in campaign. Lord Sainsbury's total donations to the in campaign now totals £4.4 million.

In large donations since the beginning of February Leave has raised £12.2 mn and remain £9mn. Donations from the financial sector were predominantly to the in campaign. Jon (Studz) Studzinski the Morgan Stanley banker who now works for Blackstonegave £30,000 to the in campaign. Francz Petitgaz global head of investment banking at Morgan Stanley gave £12,000 to the remain side

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

What they told us would happen if we didn't join the Euro!

The decision to launch the single currency is the first step and marks the turning point for Europe, marks stability and growth and is crucial to high levels of growth and employment.”  LORD DAVID SIMON BP Chairman, 1997

'From now on, monetary policy, usually an essential part of national sovereignty, will be decided by a truly European Institution.' -WILLEM F. DUISENBURG ECB president 1998-2003,31 December 1998

 “Joining the euro would increase our incomes and thus our standard of living…Now the countries of Europe have taken one more step towards making a truly unified market, using only one currency. If again we delay joining, we again risk falling further behind.”  TONY BLAIR UK Prime Minister,  1998

  “We cannot be members of the single market without being part of the single currency, the euro…In life, fighting for a minority view is sometimes dangerous and painful. But when you know you are right, and when so much of our national prosperity depends on it, we should expect our political leaders to act.” RICHARD BRANSON Virgin Group Chairman, 2000

“The reality of the euro has exposed the absurdity of many anti-European scares while increasing the public thirst for information. Public opinion is already changing…as people can see the success of the new currency on the mainland.”- KENNETH CLARKE MP, 2002

"The UK's national interest is at stake and I warn the government over a moment of painful misjudgement and lost nerve. Failure to join the currency would damage the country and Labour" LORD PETER MANDLESON March 2003

"Staying out of the euro would prove a disaster.... The price we would pay in lost investment and trade and jobs would be incalculable" LORD PETER MANDLESON May 2003

“We are writing to make clear our concerns about the implications for business if the Government rules out membership of the euro for the lifetime of this Parliament. Such a decision would be damaging for British-based businesses, British employees and the British economy as a whole.” - HARD SORRELL WPP Group CEO, et al., 2003.23

The euro has been a rock of stability, as illustrated by the contrasting fortunes of Iceland and Ireland.' - RICHARD CORBETT MEP I996-2009 and 20I4-, I6 January 2009

“The euro is a great success, and in today’s global economy, the pound is no longer an important currency. If we are not careful, we could become like Iceland in the next financial crisis.”  - SIR MICHAEL RAKE, BT Group Chairman,  2009

'Another suggestion that we can make to Her Majesty's Government is that, if it wants to make savings in the British public sector, it can do so by increasing the role of the European Union ... If the British Government wants to make savings, it can join the euro, it can give the European Union more powers and responsibilities.' - GUY VERHOFSTADT Belgian prime minister I999-2004 and leader of the ALDE Group in the European Parliament, 8 June 20II

“Business leaders appreciate the success of the euro over its first decade. It has defied the doomsayers who predicted failure.” - ROLAND RUDD, Business for New Europe Chairman, 2009

'Britain belongs to the EU.' - MARTIN SCHULZ president of the European Parliament 2014 - , I7 June 20I5

Monday, 23 May 2016

Lies told to Norway before its referendum to leave the EU

The Norway model? Trade union leader insists country is freer and richer OUTSIDE the EUA LEADING Norwegian trade unionist has painted British voters a vision of a richer and freer country OUTSIDE the EU.

PUBLISHED: 17:43, Wed, May 25, 2016 | UPDATED: 17:56, Wed, May 25, 2016
Amid the EU referendum debate, Norway has regularly been used by both pro-EU and Brexit supporters as an example of what the UK may look like away from the Brussels-based bloc. Brexit supporters point to the high standard of living enjoyed by Scandinavian country’s population.

On the other hand, Europhiles claim Norway is still subject to huge amounts of Brussels legislation but has no influence over what is decided by EU bureaucrats - unlike the UK. So why do regular opinion polls show Norwegians vastly opposed to becoming the 29th EU member state?

In a comment piece for, Mimmi Kvisvik - president of the Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers - has today explained why her countrymen are so against entering a political union through Brussels.escribing how Norway has insisted on staying outside the EU for more than a decade, Ms Kvisvik writes: “Norwegians voted ‘no’ to the EU in a heated referendum in 1994 – and we are not regretting it. Quite the opposite.”

She dismisses claims Norway is still dictated to by Brussels in exchange for accessing the EU’s so-called single market, arguing her country’s position in the European Economic Area means less than a tenth of Norway’s laws come from Brussels. And the country still has the “sovereign right to refuse” new EU rules.

Norwegians voted ‘no’ to the EU in a heated referendum in 1994 – and we are not regretting it. Quite the opposite Ms Kvisvik describes booming economic growth and foreign investment in Norway over the last ten years.

She argues Norway also has “a large number of tools at our disposal not available to EU members” in dealing with problems of uncontrolled immigration as a result of the EU’s freedom of movement rules, which the country subscribes too.

Pro-EU campaigners in Britain have often claimed the UK would be left ‘isolated’ away from the EU and would not enjoy the benefits of international co-operation. But Ms Kvisvik adds: “Norway's decision not to join the EU has not changed Norway’s internationalist perspective. “We are a part of Europe, and the world.”

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Hollande's French Nightmare literally!

Anger is rising in France due to Msr Holland's plans to cut wages increase working hours and reduce overtime pay. A new popular movement is spreading across France in opposition to the austerity measures calling itself Rise Up At Night.

The movement says the government is destroying the hopes and aspirations of the young. A combination of factors on top of the working hours measure has served to fuel the anger on the streets like a chronic lack of affordable housing for young people.

For over a fortnight the movement has orchestrated protests in central Paris against the imposition of the measures. There are daily stand offs and skimishing between police and protesters who use pepper spays against the rioters who throw anything they can get their hands on in response.

The wave of angry protests were initially against the proposed draconian labour reforms but following government concessions like a €400million package to placate angry young protesters

President Holland's government is emerging badly from the backlash its policies have provoked.Holland's claimed the reforms are his governments response to try to tackle record unemployment in France especially among youth who are particularly hard hit.

However the imposition of a proposed 35 hour working week waspercieved as Frances socialist administration going much too far. Recent opinion polls in the country indicate that as high a figure as 76% of people there want to see Hollande quit by 2017.

Monday, 16 May 2016


"So I urge you as quickly as you possibly can get the hell out of Brussels. Go back to your countries and try to stay away from here as much as is humanly possible because Brussels as those of you who know the Star Wars trilogy this is the evil empire. Deberliment is the death star where any hint of innovation is left at the door as you walk in to meet with bureaucrats and politicians who you can always tell when they are telling lies because usually their lips will be moving."

 Michael O'leary Recording of the above speech

Saturday, 14 May 2016

EU NO when you've been TTIPed

Under TTIP for the first time ever a corporations ability to make a profit will be underwritten by the tax paying public of the country in which they are operating. All the firms have to do is to have their expensively employed legal teams identify some obscure (or not so obscure) EU regulations (and God knows the EU is completely awash with those) as an excuse to sue.

It used to be the case a corporation employed some of the 30,000 full time lobbyists in Brussels to badger politicians into skewing laws in their favour. TTIP cuts out the middlemen and allows the corporations an equal footing as they now directly make the laws themselves not just try influencing them

The fact that once the lawyers have identified a suitable loophole they will then be able to take such cases before the special trade dispute court which will have a judge appointed by those corporations plus one appointed by the unelected EU commission and an alleged independent, will ensure their chances of winning the argument are highly more enhanced and indeed speeded up than through a normal court.

TTIP operates in Canada and Uruguay. Some examples below:

Philip Morris sued Uruguay for $2bn due to loss of profits from cancer warnings on cigarette packets.

Lone Pine Drilling sued Canada $110 million for refusing permission for fracking.

Bilcon is suing Canada for $300 million because it was stopped from quarrying in a world heritage conservation area.

 Trans Canada is sueing US tax payers for over US$15 billion -because its Keystone XL oil pipeline was rejected.

Vattenfall is suing Hamburg Germany €1.4 bn as clean air regulations hurt its profits.

Cameron was in the Guardian stating it will just take one more push to get this TTIP deal over the line.

The only way to stop this happening is to take back accountability and control of holding those we actually elect to full account by voting to leave this new burgeoning superstate of the United States of EU.


Thursday, 12 May 2016


“We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed. If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.” - Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Physicist claims Hinkley Point deal means UK taxpayer could get £53bn bill to supply cheap nuclear energy to France

Electricity from planned nuclear plant 'could all end up being exported to countries with fewer renewables, like France, at a price massively subsidised by Britain’s hard-working bill payers'
Ian Johnston Science Correspondent
    19 hours  ago
It is a claim that, if true, would mean Britain is about to make one of the biggest economical mistakes in its history, a blunder that would damage our country's finances for decades and almost inevitably cause the Government to fall.

For, according to Keith Barnham, an emeritus professor of physics, the total subsidy paid to the planned Hinkley Point nuclear power station by the British taxpayer could reach a staggering £53 billion over its lifetime – and the main beneficiaries will be French.

He argues that such is the likely growth of renewables that the UK will not actually need the Hinkley’s electricity, so it will be sold abroad. And, he says, the most likely customers are in France, home of energy giant EDF, which is expected to build the plant Questions about the viability of the £18bn power plant have been raised following problems with reactors of a similar design.

Senior company engineers and unions at EDF are believed to be concerned that building Hinkley Point could ruin the company. EDF has put off a final decision on the project by several months.

Because of the expense of building a nuclear plant, the Government has had to guarantee a high price for its electricity. If that is significantly above the market price, the UK taxpayer will pay billions.

This would defend on market conditions for years to come and how much the demand for electricity rises as vehicles and the economy generally stop using fossil fuels. But, in an article for The Independent, Professor Barnham, of Imperial College London, argues that the expansion of renewables will mean that by 2029 there will be “no demand for continuous and expensive nuclear power in the UK”. “It could all end up being exported to countries with fewer renewables, like France, at a price massively subsidised by Britain’s ‘hard-working bill payers,’” he writes “If Hinkley starts in 2025 with the performance Department for Energy and Climate Change expects, the nuclear subsidy will be around £820m each year on the ‘no-subsidy’ renewable scenario.

“The subsidy will double should the second Hinkley reactor come on stream around 2030, leading to a total bill, over the 35 years of the guarantee, of £53bn, which could all end up supporting low electricity prices abroad. He suggests the Government’s decision to cut subsidies for onshore wind and solar power was designed to keep the level of subsidy down by reducing the growth in electricity supplies. This would increase the wholesale price so that it is closer to the price guaranteed for Hinkley’s electricity.

The Department for Energy and Climate Change [DECC] is predicting a much lower subsidy of between £4.4bn and £19.9bn, Professor Barnham says, “because they hope the natural gas price will rise and the renewable expansion can be halted”. “The nuclear price guarantee could be a vote loser at the 2020 general election, when it will be clearer how soon the UK will have an all-renewable electricity supply,” he adds.

The figures that Professor Barnham uses to back up his assertions are sufficiently complicated that an energy market expert at a leading think tank declined to comment, saying it would take “several days of consultancy time” for them to meaningfully enter the debate Others were sceptical, but said it was not unlikely that some of Hinkley’s power would be sold overseas with the growth of a network of electricity ‘interconnectors’ that can transfer electricity efficiently over long distances.

Read more
If Hinkley fails, fossil fuels will be burned and we will all suffer

Phil Taylor, Siemens professor of energy systems at Newcastle University, said Professor Barnham had made “a very bold set of statements”. “I think there’s a huge amount of uncertainty about what our energy markets and requirements will look like by the time this nuclear power station will be built and operational,” he said “It’s possible that some of that is true, but it’s very uncertain, it’s a very bold thing to claim.”

He said he thought Hinkley’s baseload power would be “very useful” and needed because of the rise in demand for electricity However Professor Taylor added: “Whether we have done the right thing by guaranteeing such a good price for that nuclear power for such a long time is another matter “We may have locked ourselves into some expensive electricity for the future, but I would be surprised if we didn’t need it. A DECC spokeswoman said a new nuclear plant was necessary.

“Keeping the lights on is non-negotiable and this Government is taking responsible decisions on how we are going to power our country now and for the next generation,” she said “Nuclear is part of this plan and can provide continuous power, irrespective of whether the wind is blowing and the sun is shining. “It will also create thousands of jobs for working families and businesses across the UK.  Hinkley alone will power nearly six million homes, create more than 25,000 jobs and give us 60 years of reliable electricity for the cost of 35.”

The National Grid’s most ambitious ‘green future’ scenario for the expansion of renewable energy says that nuclear power would still be needed“The commissioning of the first new nuclear power station, during the first part of the 2020s, is a cornerstone of the Gone Green generation mix as the country continues on its pathway to achieve the 2050 environmental targets,” it says However the National Grid itself declined to comment of Professor Barnham’s claims.

James Court, head of policy at the Renewable Energy Association, said Hinkley Point was in danger of becoming a “white elephant” Mr Court said diesel and nuclear plants were being subsidised and the Government would likely help fund new gas plants this year “We’ve got the crazy situation that diesel, gas and nuclear are being subsidised, but the cheapest renewables, onshore wind and solar, are not,” he said.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Motorcyclist dies in terrifying shoot-out between 'British people smugglers' on motorway

Shootout with UK people smugglers motorcyclist killed in Belgium
A MOTORCYCLIST has died and two suspected people smugglers in a drug-laden car registered in Britain were seriously wounded in a shoot-out on a packed Belgian motorway.

By Alix Culbertson
11:41, Thu, May 5, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:14, Thu, May 5, 2016

The drama unfolded on the A16 near the French port of Dunkirk, after a high-speed chase which started across the border in Belgium when a lorry driver stopped on the hard shoulder and called police to report a group of migrants hiding in his lorry.

Police arrived quickly and four men, thought to be people smugglers of British-Iraqi nationality, jumped out of the back of the truck, threatened the driver with a knife and got into a maroon Audi A4 with a British number plate.

The Audi, which had four men in it, reached speeds of 125mph as police chased it, causing three accidents, including one in which a motorcyclist from the Netherlands drove into the back of a lorry, killing the driver.

A car was also seen on its roof in the middle of the motorway. The chase ended over the border in France when the Audi crashed into a car which had been in a minor accident 20 minutes before.

A person in the car hit by the Audi suffered a broken femur while the others were in shock. One of the men in the Audi was shot by police in the shoulder while another was shot in the abdomen. A local traffic police source said: "The incident started soon after 5.30am.

"Belgian police were pursuing suspected people smugglers on the A16. "Shots were fired, and the car being chased caused a huge pile-up of traffic. "There were numerous injuries, and one fatality." The car being chased became so badly damaged as it sped away from police it was travelling on just its wheel rims. Witnesses said they heard gunfire before the car being chased was forced to halt.

At least 15 bullets were fired during the incident and the British car was hit a number of times by officers as it travelled at high speed, witnesses added. Two men inside were seriously wounded and immediately airlifted to hospital in nearby Lille. Another witness said: "Both were hit by police bullets and immobilised, while two other men were arrested."

The suspected people smugglers were driving an Audi with a British registration plate, but were thought to be from Iraq. car chase. One has "life threatening" injuries while another is "also very badly hurt" and the other two in the car are also in hospital, local government sources said. The incident led to the closure of the entire motorway going southbound from Belgium to France.

The northern French area is notorious for gangs of people smugglers who arrange trips across the Channel to the UK for migrants sleeping rough in the area or in camps in Dunkirk. They charge up to £2,000 a head, often smuggling their "clients" in the back of lorries and vans, providing a lucrative trade for criminals from all over Europe, including many from the UK.

The Dunkirk prosecutor has opened an investigation into the alleged people smugglers endangering the lives of others, unauthorised residence and causing unintentional injuries.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Secret expose TTIP documents highlight NHS privatisation its next goal

The secret TTIP documents, obtained by Greenpeace Netherlands, include a US proposal to have a committee with representatives from Washington and Brussels to meet each year “to review state-owned enterprises and monopolies” which would include the NHS The committee would meet annually and would not be guaranteed a representative from Britain.

But it would still be able to review state-run services in this country. Its duties would include checking that state services do not “distort” the market.  One section of the papers makes it clear that the EU and America would seek eventually to end all forms of state intervention in competition with the private sector. The report states that if Britain remains in EU the NHS will be sold off and privatised

It says: “The parties acknowledge that anti-competitive business practices and state interventions have the potential to distort the proper functioning of markets and undermine the benefits of trade liberalisation. If we don’t say goodbye to the EU we will have to say goodbye to the NHS Louise Bours UKIP health spokesperson

Opponents of TTIP have long argued that including healthcare in the treaty will force the privatisation of the NHS or at least make the process impossible to reverse. EU officials claim they will have wording that allows for the NHS to be protected but have so far failed to provide a full exemption. Meanwhile, Prime Minister David Cameron has refused to ask for an exemption while trying to persuade British voters to back the Remain campaign in the EU Referendum.

 Camerons reason was exposed in a Guardian report where he stated it required just one more push to get TTIP over the line.
Cameron calls for political courage to seal TTIP deal

Pro-Brexit campaigners have long warned that if Britain remains in the EU it will see its health service privatised and the NHS broken up. Following the latest revelations, Nigel Farage’s Ukip warned the documents prove that the NHS is under threat with a Remain vote. Another prime target which also falls into the category for privatisation would include the BBC. Its a supreme irony that the main cheer leader for the remain camp the BBC will prove to be one of its first privatisation casualties should their "project fear" campaign carry the day.

The party’s health spokeswoman Louise Bours said: “If we don’t say goodbye to the EU we will have to say goodbye to the NHS. “This committee has been requested by American investors, who will meet with EU officials once a year to decide the fate of our NHS."


Here its worth recalling how trustworthy EU promises are to defend our NHS!

TTIP secret Documents full download

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Commission delays ecodesign strategy for fear of offending UK businesses

The EU has been caught out deliberately delaying introduction of a new slew of regulations to affect UK industries so as not upset us prior to our 23rd of June referendum.

The six new edicts will affect waste, fertilisers, water reuse, plastics and chemicals, with what is termed “targeted action” in food, construction, industrial and mining waste, and public procurement.

The latest burden of deeliberately delayed legislation involves laws to regulate products eco design characteristics. Extra costs will be imposed on firms regarding the end of life use of products not complying with the new regulations.
The Circular Economy package was intended to increase recycling levels and tighten rules on incineration and landfill.

It consists of six bills covering waste, packaging, landfill, end of life vehicles, batteries, accumulators, and waste electronic equipment.

Commission delays ecodesign strategy for fear of offending UK businesses