Saturday 14 May 2016

EU NO when you've been TTIPed

Under TTIP for the first time ever a corporations ability to make a profit will be underwritten by the tax paying public of the country in which they are operating. All the firms have to do is to have their expensively employed legal teams identify some obscure (or not so obscure) EU regulations (and God knows the EU is completely awash with those) as an excuse to sue.

It used to be the case a corporation employed some of the 30,000 full time lobbyists in Brussels to badger politicians into skewing laws in their favour. TTIP cuts out the middlemen and allows the corporations an equal footing as they now directly make the laws themselves not just try influencing them

The fact that once the lawyers have identified a suitable loophole they will then be able to take such cases before the special trade dispute court which will have a judge appointed by those corporations plus one appointed by the unelected EU commission and an alleged independent, will ensure their chances of winning the argument are highly more enhanced and indeed speeded up than through a normal court.

TTIP operates in Canada and Uruguay. Some examples below:

Philip Morris sued Uruguay for $2bn due to loss of profits from cancer warnings on cigarette packets.

Lone Pine Drilling sued Canada $110 million for refusing permission for fracking.

Bilcon is suing Canada for $300 million because it was stopped from quarrying in a world heritage conservation area.

 Trans Canada is sueing US tax payers for over US$15 billion -because its Keystone XL oil pipeline was rejected.

Vattenfall is suing Hamburg Germany €1.4 bn as clean air regulations hurt its profits.

Cameron was in the Guardian stating it will just take one more push to get this TTIP deal over the line.

The only way to stop this happening is to take back accountability and control of holding those we actually elect to full account by voting to leave this new burgeoning superstate of the United States of EU.


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