Friday 17 June 2016

Aboriginies ethnically cleansed to facilitate Chinese mining firm in TTIP like deal

Australia Services Union poster
In Australia, after ChAFTA  (China-Australia Free Trade Agreement a TTIP style deal) government fiscal policy is now being dictated by the necessity to serve these ruinous trade agreements. After ChAFTA, the Abbott Liberal Government there forced the West Australian administration to evict thousands of Aboriginal families from their ancestral home lands, which had been granted to them by treaty. They forcibly took them away in trucks and bulldozed their houses.

This was done so that their land could be used for mining exploration by Chinese interests - ChAFTA deal is mainly concerned with bauxite, iron ore and coal exports to China, a continual supply of which is necessary to support their voracious industrial expansion. Of course, there was vehement protest against this but it was barely reported around the world.

A Chinese company called Landbridge (a shopfront of the Chinese Foreign Ministry) also leased the port of Darwin for 99 years under ChAFTA, so they can now fully control shipping in and out of it for the next century.

Forced evictions to facilitate Chinese mining companies

There was widespread public protests, but any attempt by the Australian Government to block the move could've been construed as "restraint of trade" as this deal like the secret TTIP one for the EU - USA includes an equally contraversial Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism that leads to imposition of huge fines for interfering with Landbridges ability to make a profit. These are the sorts of corollaries you can expect from these toxic trade deals.

The Australian Liberals have just signed a rival TPP; (Trans Pacific Partnership) with the US Obama administration  and other Pacific rim nations. Because of these deals Australia is now largely owned and operated by big business, especially the giant mining corporations which dominate the economy. It was their proposed introduction of a mining tax which brought down the Rudd Labour Government. Don't allow the UK to go down a similar path.


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