Cameron by holding his referendum is admitting the EU is irrevocably damaging this country. His deal is so corrosive he accepted it is causing irrevocable harm to our country otherwise why bother calling June 23rd. He jetsetted across EU watering down his demands to appease his partners. Its a wonder the emperor had any clothes left and the wretched pickings are what we must vote on. What a travesty!
Friday, 11 March 2016
EU Destruction of the UK Fishing Industry (Download Availible)
Environmental Disaster
Under the Common Fisheries Policy, North Sea cod stocks fell from 250,000 tonnes to 50,000 tonnes. Other fish species have also been decimated.
Employment Disaster
Britain's waters contain 80%of the EU's fish stocks, but our fishermen are allocated only 12%of fish by value. Tens of thousands have been thrown out of work.
Consumer Disaster
The destruction of fish stocks has meant that many species have become rare and expensive. Increased food costs are estimated at £269 million per year. Worst hit have been the poorest in society.
The only way to safeguard our fish and our marine environment is to Leave the European Union.
Click the link SAVE UK FISH on this page (RIGHT) to download a ten page facts PDF format booklet on the devastastion to the UKs fishing industry by the EU. It is courtesy of Better Off Out and the text can be cut and pasted on a computer
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