Thursday 17 March 2016

Matching EU farm subsidies will SAVE UK taxpayers £3billion a year post Brexit

George Eustice, the government farming minister, told the National Farmers  Union (NFU) annual conference on Wednesday

 "If we left the EU there would be an £18 bn a year dividend, so could we find the money to spend £2bn a year on farming and the environment? Of course we could. Would we? Without a shadow of a doubt."

Many farmers argue that the benefit from the EUs subsidy rarely reaches them, in any case: supermarkets factor in the expected income in their calculations of what to pay suppliers. Farmgate prices for produce such as milk, wheat and pigs have plummeted by more than a third in the last year.

It would make financial sense to continue paying farmers the same subsidy as they are getting now via the EU and would cost the British taxpayer HALF AS MUCH, because, at present, we pay £6 billion a year into the CAP, but our farmers get only £3 billion back.

British farmers are effectively subsidising their competitors: the French, by far the biggest beneficiary of the CAP, who receive three times as much. That is more money released by brexiting

                                      IF THE UK LEFT THE EU:

1.    Levels of government support to British farming would be unaffected, and may actually rise as the UK contributes more into CAP than it receives back.

2.    Government support would be targeted at issues affecting British, not European, farmers.

3.    The NFU and other groups would be lobbying British ministers attuned to British interests, not remote bureaucrats in Brussels more interested in Spanish olive growers..

4.    Farming support would not be diluted by the addition to the EU of huge numbers of new farmers in Eastern Europe entering the CAP.

Instead of allowing a group of people who sit in a foreign based offices dictate how UK farms must be run. Instead allow the UK government to set subsidies Set up a system  allowing small farmers to compete. We must return choice to farmers and consumers, allowing markets and prices to dictate what and how farmers grow. When critically viewed all the EUs problems do not come close to the meager subsidies UK farmers are currently receiving.                                                EXAMPLES

1.    CAP payments for European countries in order are France benefits most, with about 17%, followed by Spain 13%, then Germany 12%, and Italy 10.6% compared to the UK at only 7%.

2.    British farmers must use homeopathic methods on organic livestock which are unproven remedies that are resulting in the painful suffering and death of British Livestock.

3.    Europe is spending 40 percent of the annual budget and yet agriculture generates just 1.6% of EU GDP and employs only 5% of EU citizens.

4.    “The three crop rule means that Brussels bureaucrats are going to be deciding what our farmers produce, rather than what consumers want, which is a problem.”- Liz Truss Environmental Secretary

Do what is best for our farms and vote out of the European Union.

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