In the run up to our own referendum on brexiting from the EU it is worth recalling what Mrs Merkle told Germans in the run up to the Greek crises back in 2010:
"We have a Treaty under which there is no possibility of paying to bailout states." ANGELA MERKEL, German Chancellor 1 March 2010
Article 125 of the EU Treaty is unequivocal: '
The Union shall not be liable for, or assume the commitments of, central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of any Member State.'
This clause was no mere technicality. It was on the basis of its promise that the Germans agreed to join the euro in the first place in 2002.
The French were not so reticent after bailouts became the norm. Two members of the French government let the cat out of the bag in a most boastful manner:
'[Bailouts are] expressly forbidden in the treaties by the famous no-bailout clause. De facto, we have changed the treaty.' - PIERRE LELLOUCHE French minister for Europe 2009-I0, 27 May 20I0.
'We violated all the rules because we wanted to close ranks and really rescue the euro zone. The Treaty of Lisbon was very straightforward. No bailouts.'? CHRISTINE LEGARDE French finance minister November 2010
Cameron by holding his referendum is admitting the EU is irrevocably damaging this country. His deal is so corrosive he accepted it is causing irrevocable harm to our country otherwise why bother calling June 23rd. He jetsetted across EU watering down his demands to appease his partners. Its a wonder the emperor had any clothes left and the wretched pickings are what we must vote on. What a travesty!
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Dutch courage could derail Obama
Mr Cameron by holding his referendum is admitting the EU is irrevocably damaging this country. His deal is so corrosive he accepted it is causing irrevocable harm to our country otherwise why bother calling June 23rd. He jetsetted across EU watering down his demands to appease his partners. Its a wonder the emperor had any clothes left and the wretched pickings are what we must vote on.
Now in the typical EU way that already dire situation has just got worse though we may not see this just yet. The Dutch people though are not so slow off the mark. TTIP the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership & TISA his Trade in Services Agreement (two of President Obamas "legacy" projects) have got them sufficently worried to call a specific referendum to get them stopped in their country.
TISA amongst other things Is to allow big US corporations to privatise "Healthcare services", as in the most profitable bits of our National Health Service with banking, and transport its other targets. See Wikileaks expose on this below.
Wikileas exposes Obamas Secret TISA deal
TTIP includes a powerful 3 x judge court which will be unchallengable by exsisting courts. One judge appointed by the corporations one by the commission and one independent allegdly. Its decisions are final and means EU members can be fined massively if they hurt profits. Philip Morris Tobacco sued Uruguay $2 billion over health warnings on cigarette packets.
This TTIP deal gives US corps a right to co-draft EU law alongside the unelected EU commission. They will use that anti democratic ability to write laws so they can legally privatise lucrative parts of our NHS. They will be able to legally reduce both wages and rights of their slaves sorry I meant workers. (After all wages hit profits soon destined for a Panama tax haven too)
Food and Farming are next
Now in the typical EU way that already dire situation has just got worse though we may not see this just yet. The Dutch people though are not so slow off the mark. TTIP the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership & TISA his Trade in Services Agreement (two of President Obamas "legacy" projects) have got them sufficently worried to call a specific referendum to get them stopped in their country.
TISA amongst other things Is to allow big US corporations to privatise "Healthcare services", as in the most profitable bits of our National Health Service with banking, and transport its other targets. See Wikileaks expose on this below.
Wikileas exposes Obamas Secret TISA deal
TTIP includes a powerful 3 x judge court which will be unchallengable by exsisting courts. One judge appointed by the corporations one by the commission and one independent allegdly. Its decisions are final and means EU members can be fined massively if they hurt profits. Philip Morris Tobacco sued Uruguay $2 billion over health warnings on cigarette packets.
This TTIP deal gives US corps a right to co-draft EU law alongside the unelected EU commission. They will use that anti democratic ability to write laws so they can legally privatise lucrative parts of our NHS. They will be able to legally reduce both wages and rights of their slaves sorry I meant workers. (After all wages hit profits soon destined for a Panama tax haven too)
Food and Farming are next
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Top US intelligence official says ISIS has cells in UK, Germany, and Italy that could carry out Paris or Brussels-style attack
- Director Of National Intelligence James Clapper spoke to reporters in Washington, DC Monday
- Confirmed ISIS was conducting underground activities in the UK, Germany and Italy
- Said there was continued evidence of ISIS plotting in these countries
- Barack Obama urged European countries to share information with each other to prevent other attacks
- For more of the latest Islamic State news visit
04:44, 26 April 2016
13:08, 26 April 2016
ISIS has underground cells in the UK, Germany and Italy, a top US intelligence official told reporters on Monday.

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Clapper, the Director Of National Intelligence, spoke at a reporters'
breakfast organized by the Christian Science Monitor in Washington, DC.
When asked whether ISIS had groups in the UK, Germany and Italy similar to those that carried out the Paris and Brussels attacks, Clapper replied: 'Yes they do.'
He added that intelligence officials continue to see evidence of plotting on the part of ISIS in these countries, the New York Times reported.

James Clapper (pictured in February
20120), the Director Of National Intelligence, spoke at a reporters'
breakfast organized by the Christian Science Monitor in Washington, DC
Clapper became the country's top intelligence official in 2010, when Barack Obama named him to replace Dennis Blair.
has pledged to attack these three countries, although experts say it is
impossible to know where the terrorist group will hit next, the New
York Times wrote.
French intelligence officer Claude Moniquet told the newspaper the UK
and Germany were particularly concerned about a potential attack.
that ISIS is conducting activities in Germany, Italy and the UK is 'not
new', Matthew Levitt of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
told CNN.
But Levitt added: 'It's new that Clapper is saying it.'
Obama urged European countries to 'do more' in the fight against ISIS during a speech in Hannover, Germany, on Monday.
now, the most urgent threat to our nations is ISIL, and that’s why
we’re united in our determination to destroy it,' the president said,
calling ISIS by a different acronym. 'But
this remains a difficult fight, and none of us can solve this problem
by ourselves. Even as European countries make important contributions
against ISIL, Europe, including NATO, can still do more.'

Clapper told reporters ISIS had groups
similar to those who conducted the November 2015 Paris attacks (file
picture) in the UK, Italy and Germany

Intelligence officials continue to
receive evidence that ISIS is planning an attack in these countries,
Clapper added. Pictured, the attacks at Brussels Airport last month
He urged more European countries to join the military intervention in Syria and Iraq.
France, the UK and the Netherlands have conducted strikes in Syria.
All three as well as Belgium and Denmark have struck Iraq.
also asked for more nations to help strengthen local forces in Iraq and
to back the country economically to prevent the spread of extremism.
terrorists are doing everything in their power to strike our cities and
kill our citizens, so we need to do everything in our power to stop
them. And that includes closing gaps so terrorists can’t pull off
attacks like those in Paris and Brussels,' the president added. He then urged European countries to share more information with one another, which they do not usually do.
we truly value our liberty, then we have to take the steps that are
necessary to share information and intelligence within Europe, as well
as between the United States and Europe, to stop terrorists from
traveling and crossing borders and killing innocent people,' Obama said.
He then reminded the crowd that the next NATO summit would take place this summer in Warsaw, Poland.
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The MEP Gravy train EXPOSED!
She went on to explain that when MEPs travel from their constituencies to one of the two parliamentary locations (the European Parliament meets, at vast expense, in both Brussels and Strasbourg), they are reimbursed on the basis of the priciest notional fare, plus an extra 'time and distance allowance'. Even if you really did travel at the top business class fare, you would make a tidy sum. But if you were prepared to fly EasyJet, you could trouser the better part of £800 pounds a week - tax-free, because it counted asexpenses rather than income.
The next desk belonged to the 'general expenses' official. He explained that we were entitled to nearly £3,500 a month as a bloc grant. 'What, you mean to rent an office with?' 'No, no, we give you offices in Brussels and in Strasbourg.' 'For computers and equipment, then?' 'No, you get that, too. It's for other incidental expenses like postage and petrol.' 'Seriously? Three-and-a-half grand a month?' 'As I say, sir, it's an unconditional grant. You don't have to submit receipts. You just nominate which bank account it goes into.'
After him was the staff adviser. It turned out that we would get more than £I2,000 a month to hire people. Which is, if you think about it, more than enough to take on a secretary, a researcher and a press officer, and still have a large dollop left over for your wife.
I wish I could say that the practice of hiring immediate family members was beneath British representatives, but the reality is that people respond to incentives regardless of nationality. If the kitchen is dirty enough, bacteria will breed, whether in Palermo or Pinner. If anything, the Brits were unusually keen on keeping things within the family. As a senior French MEP once put it to me: 'What is it about you English? You employ your wives and you sleep with our staff!'
Monday, 25 April 2016
Lame Duck Obama
Obama cannot get his policies through his own US senate as it is controlled by Donald Trumps party so he is a lame duck president. If the American people don't trust him enough to allow him to rule them and have reduced him to the status of a mere figurehead why should the people of the UK listen to him either. Plus he will be gone by November anyway when his replacement is elected.
Mr Trump is on record as being anxious to do trade deals with INDIVIDUAL countries not huge fractious blocs which Obama favours.
Baracks TISA (Trade In Services Agreement) deal should set alarm bells ringing here as much as TTIP. Wikipedia states TISA amongst other things will allow corporations to privatise HEALTHCARE as in the most profitable bits of our NHS with banking, and transport its other targets.
TISA is already here check out our treasury website for it. Our treasury being run by an ex Wallstreet whizzkid one Mark Carney who previously worked for Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sach already pay the wages bill at Britain Stronger in Europe. If you want to stop this massive shift of power into the clutches of corporate USA then take back democratic control
Mr Trump is on record as being anxious to do trade deals with INDIVIDUAL countries not huge fractious blocs which Obama favours.
Baracks TISA (Trade In Services Agreement) deal should set alarm bells ringing here as much as TTIP. Wikipedia states TISA amongst other things will allow corporations to privatise HEALTHCARE as in the most profitable bits of our NHS with banking, and transport its other targets.
TISA is already here check out our treasury website for it. Our treasury being run by an ex Wallstreet whizzkid one Mark Carney who previously worked for Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sach already pay the wages bill at Britain Stronger in Europe. If you want to stop this massive shift of power into the clutches of corporate USA then take back democratic control
Saturday, 23 April 2016
He Came He saw He Lied - The real Obama!
President Obama was elected on a huge wave of hope that he would radically change things for millions of impoverished ordinary Americans. Instead he betrayed that popular groundswell to make their lives better.
Somewhere along the way he dashed all that hope when he made a pact with corporate America. Now the only betterment he is interested in is that of Barack Obama. His presidency is in decline as come November this year his successor will be elected by the American people and he knows it so what of his legacy?
TTIP the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership, TPP theTrans Pacific Partnership plus TISA his Trade in Services Agreement.
Let's take the latter Trade in Services Agreement. The clue is in the apparently innocuous title. Big business namely the US corporations want the ability to trade in services and to be able to privatise them. Its already here in the UK check out the UK treasury website.
Obamas UKTreasury TISA website
Our treasury being run by an ex Wallstreet whizzkid one Mark Carney who previously worked for Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sach already pay the wages bill at Britain Stronger in Europe.
His TTIP deal is even being speeder up after years of procrastinating by the lumbering EU bureaucracy requiring agreements with 27 dispirate members. The unelected commission faced with a possible brexit however cynically dismissive Junckers was when he stated he needs to change nothing as our vote to remain was assured, plus the Dutch anti TTIP referendum call now even sees this urgency too.
Their nightmare is remove the UK brick when we quit and the whole rotten EU building then collapses around them. Corporate America did not spend its time and dollars to buy Obama for that to happen! If US Corporations cash can buy a president what else can it purchase? Boris Johnston was late to the Brexit table.
Several days after Cameron untied his party Boris apparently jumped down off the fence. He has been making it up as he went bumbling along ever since. His original plan and one he has never really abandoned was to win a brexit then renegotiate a better deal. That bombed why fight for 20 years to quit then beg our way back into the same toxic club.
Now every utterance he comes out with like brexiting like Canada or the latest rubbish about Churchills statue (who fed him this garbage in the first place we wonder BSE perhaps) is comprehensively shot down in minutes by first Cameron and the latter Obama. A cynic would think the entire episodes was stage managed from beginning to end AND IM A Dyed in the wool CYNIC.
Obama has sold out, Boris has sold, out and when you realise that MPs can be bought for the price of as duck house who else will these ruthless corporations not buy? They are a spent force as far as those who trusted and elected them are concerned and a bought force of big business.
As many have been moved to sing in honour of Her Majesties 90th birthday and even Cameron has exhorted us to observe in our National Anthem:
"O Lord our God arise Scatter her enemies And make them fall Confound their politics Frustrate their knavish tricks On Thee our hopes we fix God save us all"
Confound their politics indeed,
Somewhere along the way he dashed all that hope when he made a pact with corporate America. Now the only betterment he is interested in is that of Barack Obama. His presidency is in decline as come November this year his successor will be elected by the American people and he knows it so what of his legacy?
TTIP the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership, TPP theTrans Pacific Partnership plus TISA his Trade in Services Agreement.
Let's take the latter Trade in Services Agreement. The clue is in the apparently innocuous title. Big business namely the US corporations want the ability to trade in services and to be able to privatise them. Its already here in the UK check out the UK treasury website.
Obamas UKTreasury TISA website
Our treasury being run by an ex Wallstreet whizzkid one Mark Carney who previously worked for Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sach already pay the wages bill at Britain Stronger in Europe.
His TTIP deal is even being speeder up after years of procrastinating by the lumbering EU bureaucracy requiring agreements with 27 dispirate members. The unelected commission faced with a possible brexit however cynically dismissive Junckers was when he stated he needs to change nothing as our vote to remain was assured, plus the Dutch anti TTIP referendum call now even sees this urgency too.
Their nightmare is remove the UK brick when we quit and the whole rotten EU building then collapses around them. Corporate America did not spend its time and dollars to buy Obama for that to happen! If US Corporations cash can buy a president what else can it purchase? Boris Johnston was late to the Brexit table.
Several days after Cameron untied his party Boris apparently jumped down off the fence. He has been making it up as he went bumbling along ever since. His original plan and one he has never really abandoned was to win a brexit then renegotiate a better deal. That bombed why fight for 20 years to quit then beg our way back into the same toxic club.
Now every utterance he comes out with like brexiting like Canada or the latest rubbish about Churchills statue (who fed him this garbage in the first place we wonder BSE perhaps) is comprehensively shot down in minutes by first Cameron and the latter Obama. A cynic would think the entire episodes was stage managed from beginning to end AND IM A Dyed in the wool CYNIC.
Obama has sold out, Boris has sold, out and when you realise that MPs can be bought for the price of as duck house who else will these ruthless corporations not buy? They are a spent force as far as those who trusted and elected them are concerned and a bought force of big business.
As many have been moved to sing in honour of Her Majesties 90th birthday and even Cameron has exhorted us to observe in our National Anthem:
"O Lord our God arise Scatter her enemies And make them fall Confound their politics Frustrate their knavish tricks On Thee our hopes we fix God save us all"
Confound their politics indeed,
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Obama comes to Call Me Daves for TTIP, TPP, TISA & our democracy!
President Obama who recently blamed Dave exclusively for the current dire state of Libya and hey
presto next thing you know Dave is stung into action to send in the SAS
so it looks like hes actually doing something about it is here on cue.
The cue in this case to prepare the ground further for the great mans visit they had the Wall Street based IMF issue a very downbeat vision of Brexit. Who penned that report of doom why one Maurice Obstfeld current IMF head and prior to that was employed as BARRACK OBAMAS TOP FINANCIAL ADVISOR.
So the IMFs phropecy of doom is just a softening up exercise. No doubt after Barrack pats Dave on the head for sorting out Libya like he originally failed to do he will proceed to wave his pet numbers guys report under our noses like a latterday Chamberlain while Call Me Dave grins gormlessly like the village idiot in the background.
Obama is on record as wanting TTIP and also TPP (his Trans Pacific Partnership) plus TISA all to be part of his legacy. He is putting extra pressure on the EU to speed up the process as he fears if not done soon the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency, plus a negative Dutch referendum, or the UK brexiting could scupper the entire TTIP part of his projects prior to him exiting the political stage..
TTIP includes a powerful 3 x judge court which will be unchallengable by exsisting courts. One judge appointed by the corporations one by the commission and one independent allegdly. Its decisions are final and means EU members can be fined massively if they hurt profits. Philip Morris Tobacco sued Uruguay $2 billion over health warnings on cigarette packets.
Big Tobacco puts countries on trial as concerns over TTIP deals mount
Furthermore TTIP deal gives US corps a right to co-draft EU law alongside the unelected EU commission. They will use that anti democratic ability to write laws so they can legally privatise lucrative parts of our NHS. They will be able to legally reduce both wages and rights of their slaves sorry I meant workers. (After all wages hurt profits soon destined for a Panama tax haven too)
So when corporations have that law making power you can forget about worrying about a changing climate because every time you complain they will simply impose a huge fine on us and go right on polluting the environment.
In the meantime Barrack will have jetted off back into the sunset to a new dawn as President elect Trump stalks the Whitehouse after his job!
Take back accountability and control
The cue in this case to prepare the ground further for the great mans visit they had the Wall Street based IMF issue a very downbeat vision of Brexit. Who penned that report of doom why one Maurice Obstfeld current IMF head and prior to that was employed as BARRACK OBAMAS TOP FINANCIAL ADVISOR.
So the IMFs phropecy of doom is just a softening up exercise. No doubt after Barrack pats Dave on the head for sorting out Libya like he originally failed to do he will proceed to wave his pet numbers guys report under our noses like a latterday Chamberlain while Call Me Dave grins gormlessly like the village idiot in the background.
Obama is on record as wanting TTIP and also TPP (his Trans Pacific Partnership) plus TISA all to be part of his legacy. He is putting extra pressure on the EU to speed up the process as he fears if not done soon the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency, plus a negative Dutch referendum, or the UK brexiting could scupper the entire TTIP part of his projects prior to him exiting the political stage..
TTIP includes a powerful 3 x judge court which will be unchallengable by exsisting courts. One judge appointed by the corporations one by the commission and one independent allegdly. Its decisions are final and means EU members can be fined massively if they hurt profits. Philip Morris Tobacco sued Uruguay $2 billion over health warnings on cigarette packets.
Big Tobacco puts countries on trial as concerns over TTIP deals mount
Furthermore TTIP deal gives US corps a right to co-draft EU law alongside the unelected EU commission. They will use that anti democratic ability to write laws so they can legally privatise lucrative parts of our NHS. They will be able to legally reduce both wages and rights of their slaves sorry I meant workers. (After all wages hurt profits soon destined for a Panama tax haven too)
So when corporations have that law making power you can forget about worrying about a changing climate because every time you complain they will simply impose a huge fine on us and go right on polluting the environment.
In the meantime Barrack will have jetted off back into the sunset to a new dawn as President elect Trump stalks the Whitehouse after his job!
Take back accountability and control
Clinton Tax Scandal
Shell companies are reserved mainly for mafia types or Citi bank executives. In recent freedom of information requests it was revealed that Bill and Hilary Clinton had 5 shell companies in their name all located in Delaware. According to the associated press one of the Clintons shell companies WJC LLC Wilmington, Delaware. 1209 North Orange Street had neither any employees or assets. It turns out this was also home for over 285,000 companies taking advantage of Delaware’s Panama-like secrecy rules, tax incentives, and business-friendly case law.. Bill used it legally to apparently provide consulting and other services and this demonstrates the complexity of the Clinton finances. Bills shell company was set up as what is termed in the tax jargon a 'pass through', company designed to pass on payment made via the company to be kept secret. It is also used for payments Bill recieved for what it described as "consultancy" work.
Another company at the same location, ZFS Holdings, LLC, was set up in February 2013, one week after Hillary left the State Department. Hillary received $5.5 million from her book publisher, Simon & Schuster, through the company 285,000 companies also claim 1209 North Orange Street is their trading address and that are doing real business there. Yet it doesn’t even have mailboxes. They use it for purely tax purposes to shield themselves from liability under Delawares highly advantageous laws which rival those of well-known secrecy havens like Panama or the Cayman Islands plus the ability to operate in secrecy.
y was working at the State Department alongside large US corporations putting pressure on Haiti to halt plans to raise its minimum wage there to $0.61 cents an hour. Its minimum wage at the time was $0.24 cents an hour. In other words while Bill was hiding millions in Clinton consultancy fees from public scrutiny his wife was busy keeping $0.37 cents an hour out of the pockets of impoverished Haitians. The huge Haynes Corporation who Hilary was working for at the time is a multi million dollar clothing company. The wage deal Hilary helped them stifle would have cost Haynes $1.6 million a year. The companies turnover at the time was $211 million.
The US Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) named Hilary Clinton as the Most Corrupt Politician of 2015:
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
In 2009 while Bill was setting up another shell company in New York Hilar The New York Times reported a cosy relationship during the convoluted tale of Russia gradually acquiring mining rights over most of US uranium deposits. These acquisitions mysteriously coincided with huge Russian donations to the Clinton foundation between 2009 the first donation being $500,000 up until 2013.
This is the woman wants to be the next US president!
Another company at the same location, ZFS Holdings, LLC, was set up in February 2013, one week after Hillary left the State Department. Hillary received $5.5 million from her book publisher, Simon & Schuster, through the company 285,000 companies also claim 1209 North Orange Street is their trading address and that are doing real business there. Yet it doesn’t even have mailboxes. They use it for purely tax purposes to shield themselves from liability under Delawares highly advantageous laws which rival those of well-known secrecy havens like Panama or the Cayman Islands plus the ability to operate in secrecy.
y was working at the State Department alongside large US corporations putting pressure on Haiti to halt plans to raise its minimum wage there to $0.61 cents an hour. Its minimum wage at the time was $0.24 cents an hour. In other words while Bill was hiding millions in Clinton consultancy fees from public scrutiny his wife was busy keeping $0.37 cents an hour out of the pockets of impoverished Haitians. The huge Haynes Corporation who Hilary was working for at the time is a multi million dollar clothing company. The wage deal Hilary helped them stifle would have cost Haynes $1.6 million a year. The companies turnover at the time was $211 million.
The US Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) named Hilary Clinton as the Most Corrupt Politician of 2015:
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
In 2009 while Bill was setting up another shell company in New York Hilar The New York Times reported a cosy relationship during the convoluted tale of Russia gradually acquiring mining rights over most of US uranium deposits. These acquisitions mysteriously coincided with huge Russian donations to the Clinton foundation between 2009 the first donation being $500,000 up until 2013.
This is the woman wants to be the next US president!
Sunday, 17 April 2016
Citibank which bankrolled FIFA corruption now backs Britain Stronger in EU
Another Wall Street bank funds BSE camp
Citi Hands Six-Figure Sum To EU 'In' Campaign
Citi's donation means the total handed to the 'In' campaign by Wall Street banks has reached about £1.5m, Sky News learns. 13:10, UK, Wednesday 13 April 2016 By Mark Kleinman, City Editor
Citigroup has become the fourth US bank to hand a big cash sum to the campaign to keep the UK in the European Union (EU), extending Wall Street's financial contribution to the cause just two months before the referendum.
Sky News has learnt that executives at Citi agreed to donate "significantly in excess of" £100,000 in the last few days to Britain Stronger in Europe (BSiE), adding the company's name to a list which already includes Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley.
The donation was made as part of a renewed fundraising drive led by Roland Rudd, the public relations supremo, and David Harding, the hedge fund manager, who have been acting as BSiE's co-treasurers. It comes just hours before BSiE is expected to be named by the Electoral Commission as the officially-designated group for the UK to remain in the EU.
Citi's decision to become financially involved in the campaign, which follows months of deliberation, reflects the wider anxiety among executives at Wall Street firms about the potential economic disruption that they believe the UK's exit from the EU would cause.
Citi employs thousands of people in the UK, principally at its offices in Canary Wharf in London. Sources said it had donated in the region of £200,000 and possibly as much as £250,000.
If the latter figure is correct, it would take the financial contribution from the quartet of US banks to £1.5m, a substantial proportion of the overall amount that BSiE is likely to raise. Goldman and JP Morgan are understood to have pledged £500,000 each, with Morgan Stanley donating about £250,000.
The news emerges as Wall Street banks and other businesses digest new guidance issued by the Electoral Commission about the scope of permitted activities once the referendum period formally gets underway on Friday. The rules governing official campaign spending mean that both the officially-designated 'In' and 'Out' groups can spend £7m in the final 10 weeks before the poll.
However, the Government angered pro-Brexit campaigners last week when it emerged it was spending more than £9m on a leaflet to explain to voters why it believed the UK should vote to remain in the EU. Citibank has been a long-standing advocate of the UK's EU membership.
James Bardrick, a senior executive at the bank, said last year that it "would have to operationally change the business and reallocate certain businesses back into the EU...[which would be] enormously costly and enormously inefficient”.
In addition to Lord Rose, Britain Stronger In Europe's board includes Baroness Brady, one of the stars of The Apprentice; Brendan Barber, the former secretary-general of the Trades Union Congress; and Lord Mandelson, the former Business Secretary. Citibank and BSiE declined to comment on Wednesday.
Citi Hands Six-Figure Sum To EU 'In' Campaign
Citi's donation means the total handed to the 'In' campaign by Wall Street banks has reached about £1.5m, Sky News learns. 13:10, UK, Wednesday 13 April 2016 By Mark Kleinman, City Editor
Citigroup has become the fourth US bank to hand a big cash sum to the campaign to keep the UK in the European Union (EU), extending Wall Street's financial contribution to the cause just two months before the referendum.
Sky News has learnt that executives at Citi agreed to donate "significantly in excess of" £100,000 in the last few days to Britain Stronger in Europe (BSiE), adding the company's name to a list which already includes Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley.
The donation was made as part of a renewed fundraising drive led by Roland Rudd, the public relations supremo, and David Harding, the hedge fund manager, who have been acting as BSiE's co-treasurers. It comes just hours before BSiE is expected to be named by the Electoral Commission as the officially-designated group for the UK to remain in the EU.
Citi's decision to become financially involved in the campaign, which follows months of deliberation, reflects the wider anxiety among executives at Wall Street firms about the potential economic disruption that they believe the UK's exit from the EU would cause.
Citi employs thousands of people in the UK, principally at its offices in Canary Wharf in London. Sources said it had donated in the region of £200,000 and possibly as much as £250,000.
If the latter figure is correct, it would take the financial contribution from the quartet of US banks to £1.5m, a substantial proportion of the overall amount that BSiE is likely to raise. Goldman and JP Morgan are understood to have pledged £500,000 each, with Morgan Stanley donating about £250,000.
The news emerges as Wall Street banks and other businesses digest new guidance issued by the Electoral Commission about the scope of permitted activities once the referendum period formally gets underway on Friday. The rules governing official campaign spending mean that both the officially-designated 'In' and 'Out' groups can spend £7m in the final 10 weeks before the poll.
However, the Government angered pro-Brexit campaigners last week when it emerged it was spending more than £9m on a leaflet to explain to voters why it believed the UK should vote to remain in the EU. Citibank has been a long-standing advocate of the UK's EU membership.
James Bardrick, a senior executive at the bank, said last year that it "would have to operationally change the business and reallocate certain businesses back into the EU...[which would be] enormously costly and enormously inefficient”.
In addition to Lord Rose, Britain Stronger In Europe's board includes Baroness Brady, one of the stars of The Apprentice; Brendan Barber, the former secretary-general of the Trades Union Congress; and Lord Mandelson, the former Business Secretary. Citibank and BSiE declined to comment on Wednesday.
Cameron calls for BAN on referendums (Fraser not Dave)
Cameron calls for BAN on referendums. (Fraser not Dave)
"It is hardly democratic that 30% of voters in one member state can block a policy approved by 27 member states", writes Fraser Cameron.
Fraser Cameron is a former EU Commission official and Senior Adviser with Cambre Associates, a Brussels-based, integrated public relations and public affairs consultancy.
Referenda are becoming a huge problem for the EU. The latest result in the Netherlands on the Association Agreement with Ukraine is probably the worst possible outcome. If the turnout had been below 30% the Dutch government could have safely ignored the vote. But with just over 30% voting, and rejecting the Association Agreement with Ukraine by 64-36 the government will have to consult with parliament about how to proceed.
After the Dutch voted against the Ukraine treaty Cameron (Fraser not Dave) is calling for a EU ban on future referendums. The Dutch now want a referendum on TTIP we should follow suit! As Thresa Villiers says the EU is beyond reform and will become ever more anti democratic. In this regard Mr Cameron (Fraser not Dave) stated, "It is hardly democratic that 30% of voters in one member state can block a policy approved by 27 member states"
If thats the way the winds blowing then the EU better consider banning our Conservative government as undemocratic and unrepresentitive of this country because Cameron (Dave not Fraser) rules us by having recieved just 36.8% of those who bothered to actually cast a vote.
If you take the fact the turnout was 66.1% that further reduces the 36.8% to a 24.54% of all those eligible to vote. A minority government indeed!
Also I dont ever remember getting my ballot paper to elect or reject Jean Claude Junckers to his post yet he makes 60% of the laws in MY country. But then wasnt he appointed not elected at all!
Fraser Cameron is a former EU Commission official and Senior Adviser with Cambre Associates, a Brussels-based, integrated public relations and public affairs consultancy.
Referenda are becoming a huge problem for the EU. The latest result in the Netherlands on the Association Agreement with Ukraine is probably the worst possible outcome. If the turnout had been below 30% the Dutch government could have safely ignored the vote. But with just over 30% voting, and rejecting the Association Agreement with Ukraine by 64-36 the government will have to consult with parliament about how to proceed.
After the Dutch voted against the Ukraine treaty Cameron (Fraser not Dave) is calling for a EU ban on future referendums. The Dutch now want a referendum on TTIP we should follow suit! As Thresa Villiers says the EU is beyond reform and will become ever more anti democratic. In this regard Mr Cameron (Fraser not Dave) stated, "It is hardly democratic that 30% of voters in one member state can block a policy approved by 27 member states"
If thats the way the winds blowing then the EU better consider banning our Conservative government as undemocratic and unrepresentitive of this country because Cameron (Dave not Fraser) rules us by having recieved just 36.8% of those who bothered to actually cast a vote.
If you take the fact the turnout was 66.1% that further reduces the 36.8% to a 24.54% of all those eligible to vote. A minority government indeed!
Also I dont ever remember getting my ballot paper to elect or reject Jean Claude Junckers to his post yet he makes 60% of the laws in MY country. But then wasnt he appointed not elected at all!
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Dutch voters now demanding referendum on TTIP
EXCLUSIVE / Dutch voters want a referendum on the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), throwing into doubt the future of the US-EU free trade deal, nine days after the country’s ‘no’ vote in a plebiscite on an EU-Ukraine association agreement.
Some 100,000 Dutch citizens have already signed a petition demanding a referendum on TTIP. 300,000 names are needed to trigger a non-binding vote on the issue, as was the case with the Ukraine plebiscite.
Commission swamped by 150,000 replies to TTIP consultation
About 150,000 people have responded to the European Commission’s online consultation on the controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clause in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
EXCLUSIVE / Dutch voters want a referendum on the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), throwing into doubt the future of the US-EU free trade deal, nine days after the country’s ‘no’ vote in a plebiscite on an EU-Ukraine association agreement.
Some 100,000 Dutch citizens have already signed a petition demanding a referendum on TTIP. 300,000 names are needed to trigger a non-binding vote on the issue, as was the case with the Ukraine plebiscite.
Commission swamped by 150,000 replies to TTIP consultation
About 150,000 people have responded to the European Commission’s online consultation on the controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clause in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Thursday, 14 April 2016
EU announces new budget hike for 2017
The EU has announced it is to increase its security budget next year by a further 2.8% totalling €4.8 billion next year. A staggering sum when you consider the fact they have no army navy or airforce and havn't dared to audit the books for 25 years because of all the corruption.
Out of this a further increase of €3 million (bringing the total up to €10 million) has been earmarked to provide a brand new fleet of limousines replete with new uniforms for these vehicles chauffeurs. This is to facilitate the remarkable fact that the EU parliament buildings are situated 300 plus miles apart.
The entire ensemble practices switching between them (including packing up ALL of its files etc) for just FOUR days EVERY MONTH, at a cost of an eye popping £100 million per year!
One of their other more daft projects was €1.5million on a lift to nowhere built-in Scicily which has never actually worked. Also an investigation found that grants of more than €381million simply vanished through fraud, fake contracts and ghost road works on alledged upgrades to a stretch of the A3 motorway between Salerno, south of Naples, and Reggio-Calabria, on the toe of the boot-shaped peninsula. The local Cosa Nostra crime syndicate was implicated.
Another recent audit discovered that out of €10 billion aid budget the EU spent €1.5 million on sending contemporary dance instructor's to Burkino Faso. On top of this there are plans for a new self publicity blitz with €30 million earmarked for a big self promotions proganda offensive.
In a statement intended to to defend this last decision it was stated that: When the event is driven by (commission) Headquarters its much more difficult to fill the room. Usually no one has heard of the commissioner and theres no specific topic. Alexander Winterstein EU COMMISSION
Out of this a further increase of €3 million (bringing the total up to €10 million) has been earmarked to provide a brand new fleet of limousines replete with new uniforms for these vehicles chauffeurs. This is to facilitate the remarkable fact that the EU parliament buildings are situated 300 plus miles apart.
The entire ensemble practices switching between them (including packing up ALL of its files etc) for just FOUR days EVERY MONTH, at a cost of an eye popping £100 million per year!
One of their other more daft projects was €1.5million on a lift to nowhere built-in Scicily which has never actually worked. Also an investigation found that grants of more than €381million simply vanished through fraud, fake contracts and ghost road works on alledged upgrades to a stretch of the A3 motorway between Salerno, south of Naples, and Reggio-Calabria, on the toe of the boot-shaped peninsula. The local Cosa Nostra crime syndicate was implicated.
Another recent audit discovered that out of €10 billion aid budget the EU spent €1.5 million on sending contemporary dance instructor's to Burkino Faso. On top of this there are plans for a new self publicity blitz with €30 million earmarked for a big self promotions proganda offensive.
In a statement intended to to defend this last decision it was stated that: When the event is driven by (commission) Headquarters its much more difficult to fill the room. Usually no one has heard of the commissioner and theres no specific topic. Alexander Winterstein EU COMMISSION
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Bulgarian 'migrant hunter' leads vigilante patrols in armoured vehicles
A self-styled migrant hunter has organised gangs of vigilantes to patrol and hunt down illegal asylum seekers in Bulgaria.
Dinko Valev, 29, has managed to acquire two armoured vehicles to travel through rough territory around the city of Yambol near the border with Turkey.
He says the reaction has been so positive among the population that he is now trying to recruit more people to expand his vigilante operation.
And he even wants the Bulgarian government to fund the operation and pay for every captured refugee.
He regards every illegal migrant as a jihadist and dismissed claims he was terrorising his captives.
He said: 'I would describe it as simply a sporting activity
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Obama ex-economist (Now IMF) issues pre visit Brexit scare
current chief economist of the IMF Maurice Obstfeld who we now learn
happened to be President Obamas top economics advisor has set the stage
by softening us up for the imminent visit of his last master Barrack
Obama to the UK with a prophet of doom report about possible effects of a
UK brexit from the EU.
The report is his bid to soften us up prior to the state visit to the UK of his previous boss Barrack Obama. Between Wall Streets Goldman Sachs bankrolling BSE and the Wall Street based IMF plus the US EU TTIP negotiations nearing completion (IS THERE A PATTERN HERE) which will serve to render MEPs as mere window dressing while the real decisions about our lives are made in US boardrooms.
Who loses most from Brexit? Try Goldman Sachs (Wall Street Journal)
This ordering UK voters how we must vote in our referendum all falls into perspective. This is the global corporations bid to create EU inc and our elite classes with their Panamanian tax havens run by the son of Hitler's SS deaths head general are facilitating it so they can get even richer at our expense. No doubt Obama will be like Chamberlain waving his pet economists IMF report under our noses while hes visiting!
The report is his bid to soften us up prior to the state visit to the UK of his previous boss Barrack Obama. Between Wall Streets Goldman Sachs bankrolling BSE and the Wall Street based IMF plus the US EU TTIP negotiations nearing completion (IS THERE A PATTERN HERE) which will serve to render MEPs as mere window dressing while the real decisions about our lives are made in US boardrooms.
Who loses most from Brexit? Try Goldman Sachs (Wall Street Journal)
This ordering UK voters how we must vote in our referendum all falls into perspective. This is the global corporations bid to create EU inc and our elite classes with their Panamanian tax havens run by the son of Hitler's SS deaths head general are facilitating it so they can get even richer at our expense. No doubt Obama will be like Chamberlain waving his pet economists IMF report under our noses while hes visiting!
Monday, 11 April 2016
HMRC Chief invesigating the scandal implicated in creating Blairmore tax dodging fund
It now appears the man in charge of HMRC who Cameron has tasked with investigating the revelations into the Blairmore tax dodging operations was himself instrumental in their creation. Edward Troup, executive chair of HMRC since April, is a former partner at Simmons & Simmons, whose clients have included the Panama-registered fund created by David Cameron’s father, Ian.
The law firm’s name appears on dozens of emails and documents in the Panama Papers in connection with a number of companies registered with Mossack Fonseca, the offshore agent at the centre of the scandal.
Cameron announced on Saturday that HMRC would be working with the National Crime Agency to lead a “world-class” taskforce to investigate allegations of tax dodging and money laundering brought to light by the leak of 11.5 million files from the Panama law firm. A unit with initial funding of £10m is being set up, which will also bring together specialists from the Serious Fraud Office and the Financial Conduct Authority. Officials have already started investigating some 700 current leads with a link to Panama.
How without full and frank disclosure by Mr Troup of his own financial affairs can we be certain that he personally did not benefit from the Blairmore fund?
HMRC chief was partner at law firm that acted for Cameron offshore fund
The law firm’s name appears on dozens of emails and documents in the Panama Papers in connection with a number of companies registered with Mossack Fonseca, the offshore agent at the centre of the scandal.
Cameron announced on Saturday that HMRC would be working with the National Crime Agency to lead a “world-class” taskforce to investigate allegations of tax dodging and money laundering brought to light by the leak of 11.5 million files from the Panama law firm. A unit with initial funding of £10m is being set up, which will also bring together specialists from the Serious Fraud Office and the Financial Conduct Authority. Officials have already started investigating some 700 current leads with a link to Panama.
How without full and frank disclosure by Mr Troup of his own financial affairs can we be certain that he personally did not benefit from the Blairmore fund?
HMRC chief was partner at law firm that acted for Cameron offshore fund
Scandal-hit car industry in the driving seat for new EU emissions regulations
Making Smokeswagons is OK by the EU Lobbyists win again!
In the wake of Volkswagen’s diesel emissions scandal, Corporate Europe Observatory has obtained documents that show how the car industry has continued to undermine Europe’s proposed new emissions test standards. Close relations between the European Commission and the car industry in the drafting ensured numerous loopholes in the first package, which has already been approved by the Parliament. Most worryingly, pressure from Member States in the yet-to-be-approved second package, provides a loophole so big the car industry will be able to exceed proposed standards by at least 50% for the foreseeable future. A vote in Parliament on 3rd February against approving the second package offers the chance to put public health before short-term profit.
In the wake of Volkswagen’s diesel emissions scandal, Corporate Europe Observatory has obtained documents that show how the car industry has continued to undermine Europe’s proposed new emissions test standards. Close relations between the European Commission and the car industry in the drafting ensured numerous loopholes in the first package, which has already been approved by the Parliament. Most worryingly, pressure from Member States in the yet-to-be-approved second package, provides a loophole so big the car industry will be able to exceed proposed standards by at least 50% for the foreseeable future. A vote in Parliament on 3rd February against approving the second package offers the chance to put public health before short-term profit.
The #VWgate scandal exposed not just Volkswagen but the entire car industry’s huge discrepancy between their diesel emissions under laboratory conditions vs those out in the real world, where emissions are on average five times higher than legal limits. The European Environment Agency has estimated that approximately 75,000 premature deaths have occurred in Europe in 2015 alone as a result of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution, a form of nitrous oxide which largely comes from diesel vehicles.
In the wake of Volkswagen’s diesel emissions scandal, Corporate Europe Observatory has obtained documents that show how the car industry has continued to undermine Europe’s proposed new emissions test standards. Close relations between the European Commission and the car industry in the drafting ensured numerous loopholes in the first package, which has already been approved by the Parliament. Most worryingly, pressure from Member States in the yet-to-be-approved second package, provides a loophole so big the car industry will be able to exceed proposed standards by at least 50% for the foreseeable future. A vote in Parliament on 3rd February against approving the second package offers the chance to put public health before short-term profit.
In the wake of Volkswagen’s diesel emissions scandal, Corporate Europe Observatory has obtained documents that show how the car industry has continued to undermine Europe’s proposed new emissions test standards. Close relations between the European Commission and the car industry in the drafting ensured numerous loopholes in the first package, which has already been approved by the Parliament. Most worryingly, pressure from Member States in the yet-to-be-approved second package, provides a loophole so big the car industry will be able to exceed proposed standards by at least 50% for the foreseeable future. A vote in Parliament on 3rd February against approving the second package offers the chance to put public health before short-term profit.
The #VWgate scandal exposed not just Volkswagen but the entire car industry’s huge discrepancy between their diesel emissions under laboratory conditions vs those out in the real world, where emissions are on average five times higher than legal limits. The European Environment Agency has estimated that approximately 75,000 premature deaths have occurred in Europe in 2015 alone as a result of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution, a form of nitrous oxide which largely comes from diesel vehicles.
The power of EU lobbyists -UK taxpayers face £50bn bill after EU judges overrule our tax laws - exposing how multinationals use EU courts to claw back taxes
UK taxpayers face £50bn bill after EU judges overrule our tax laws
Tax rules were drawn up by Treasury officials and approved by MPs
But European Court of Justice ruled them illegal, forcing HMRC to issue huge refunds to businesses
Priti Patel says the figures show how the EU favours multinational firms
But Employment minister adds that small businesses will be better off out
By Matt Dathan, Political Correspondent For Mailonline
Published: 17:22, 10 April 2016 | Updated: 20:34, 10 April 2016
British taxpayers could lose as much as £50billion due to EU judges overruling the UK's tax laws. HMRC has already been forced to pay back £7.87billion in the last decade after European Court of Justice cases ruled certain business tax rules in Britain illegal.
Documents from the independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) reveal that HMRC will be forced to pay back a further £7.3billion before 2020. The rules deemed illegal by EU judges were drawn up by Treasury officials and implemented after being approved by MPs in the House of Commons.
The figures, unveiled by the Vote Leave campaign, expose the extent to which multinational firms use the European Court of Justice to cut their tax bills and reclaim billions of pounds from the UK taxpayer.
The amount HMRC sets aside to settle litigation concerning taxes subject to challenge has increased from £34million in 2005/06 to £7.2billion in 2015/16, the OBR figures reveal. Brexit campaigners said the money HMRC was forced to pay back to firms was enough to pay for 25 fully-staffed hospitals and two more Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.
The bill could soar even higher, however, if the Treasury loses ongoing court cases at the European Court of Justice, with another £35.6billion at risk - nearly half the UK's annual deficit. The types of taxes the EU declared unlawful include a form of corporation tax on profits distributed by a subsidiary to a parent company and stamp duty serve tax - a levy raised on electronic paperless share transactions.
EU judges also blocked the UK government from reducing the time limit on businesses claiming for overpaid tax. Leading Brexit Cabinet minister Priti Patel said: 'The EU may be good for some big multi-national businesses, but the truth is it's bad for smaller firms and UK taxpayers,' she said.
'People will be shocked that big business is taking British taxpayers to court in Europe where unelected judges are overruling the decisions of our parliament on tax rules - costing us all billions. 'That's on top of the £350 million we already hand over to Brussels every single week. We need to Vote Leave to stop this abuse.
Tax rules were drawn up by Treasury officials and approved by MPs
But European Court of Justice ruled them illegal, forcing HMRC to issue huge refunds to businesses
Priti Patel says the figures show how the EU favours multinational firms
But Employment minister adds that small businesses will be better off out
By Matt Dathan, Political Correspondent For Mailonline
Published: 17:22, 10 April 2016 | Updated: 20:34, 10 April 2016
British taxpayers could lose as much as £50billion due to EU judges overruling the UK's tax laws. HMRC has already been forced to pay back £7.87billion in the last decade after European Court of Justice cases ruled certain business tax rules in Britain illegal.
Documents from the independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) reveal that HMRC will be forced to pay back a further £7.3billion before 2020. The rules deemed illegal by EU judges were drawn up by Treasury officials and implemented after being approved by MPs in the House of Commons.
The figures, unveiled by the Vote Leave campaign, expose the extent to which multinational firms use the European Court of Justice to cut their tax bills and reclaim billions of pounds from the UK taxpayer.
The amount HMRC sets aside to settle litigation concerning taxes subject to challenge has increased from £34million in 2005/06 to £7.2billion in 2015/16, the OBR figures reveal. Brexit campaigners said the money HMRC was forced to pay back to firms was enough to pay for 25 fully-staffed hospitals and two more Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.
The bill could soar even higher, however, if the Treasury loses ongoing court cases at the European Court of Justice, with another £35.6billion at risk - nearly half the UK's annual deficit. The types of taxes the EU declared unlawful include a form of corporation tax on profits distributed by a subsidiary to a parent company and stamp duty serve tax - a levy raised on electronic paperless share transactions.
EU judges also blocked the UK government from reducing the time limit on businesses claiming for overpaid tax. Leading Brexit Cabinet minister Priti Patel said: 'The EU may be good for some big multi-national businesses, but the truth is it's bad for smaller firms and UK taxpayers,' she said.
'People will be shocked that big business is taking British taxpayers to court in Europe where unelected judges are overruling the decisions of our parliament on tax rules - costing us all billions. 'That's on top of the £350 million we already hand over to Brussels every single week. We need to Vote Leave to stop this abuse.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
£9 million "This is not 'government money', it is all taxpayers' money...."
The taxpayers alliance slams misuse of taxpayers money to skew referendum debate
Responding to news that the Government will spend £9.3 million promoting its position on the EU referendum, Jonathan Isaby, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said:"This is a disgraceful abuse of taxpayers' money. When cash is scarce and budgets are tight, politicans should not be wasting nearly £10 million of our cash on political propaganda.
"The country is having an important debate about its relationship with the EU and it is essential that it is held on a level playing field. When provisions are already in place for each official campaign to receive equal amounts to help make their case to voters, this move will only serve to unfairly skew the debate.
Even the stiff shirted electoral commission which never comments was moved to add its ire: We don’t think the government should have done it… [it gives Remain an] unfair advantage… undermines the principle [of spending limits]”
But then the commission is already investigating the overspend by Cameron who has form in this field regarding the election campaign against Nigel Farage
TPA spokesmen are available for live and pre-recorded broadcast interviews via 07795 084 113 (no texts)
Responding to news that the Government will spend £9.3 million promoting its position on the EU referendum, Jonathan Isaby, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said:"This is a disgraceful abuse of taxpayers' money. When cash is scarce and budgets are tight, politicans should not be wasting nearly £10 million of our cash on political propaganda.
"The country is having an important debate about its relationship with the EU and it is essential that it is held on a level playing field. When provisions are already in place for each official campaign to receive equal amounts to help make their case to voters, this move will only serve to unfairly skew the debate.
"This is not 'government money', it is all taxpayers' money and it is deplorable that ministers see fit to use it to try and instruct us how to vote."
Even the stiff shirted electoral commission which never comments was moved to add its ire: We don’t think the government should have done it… [it gives Remain an] unfair advantage… undermines the principle [of spending limits]”
But then the commission is already investigating the overspend by Cameron who has form in this field regarding the election campaign against Nigel Farage
Sign this petition
David Cameron has even managed to breach the EUs own rules on conducting referendums as published by the Commission itself below:
The situation is different in the case of referendums, since it is legitimate for the different organs of government to convey their viewpoint in the debate for or against the text put to the vote.
They must not abuse their position, however. In any event, the use of public funds for campaigning purposes must be prohibited in order to guarantee equality of opportunity and the freedom of voters to form an opinion. In addition, the public authorities at every level (national, regional or local), must not engage in excessive, one-sided campaigning, but show neutrality.
Clearly, this does not mean they will not take a stand, but they must provide a certain amount of necessary information in order to enable voters to arrive at an informed opinion. The best solution is for the authorities to provide voters with an explanatory report setting out not only their viewpoint or that of persons sharing it, but also the opposing viewpoint, in a balanced way
David Cameron has even managed to breach the EUs own rules on conducting referendums as published by the Commission itself below:
The situation is different in the case of referendums, since it is legitimate for the different organs of government to convey their viewpoint in the debate for or against the text put to the vote.
They must not abuse their position, however. In any event, the use of public funds for campaigning purposes must be prohibited in order to guarantee equality of opportunity and the freedom of voters to form an opinion. In addition, the public authorities at every level (national, regional or local), must not engage in excessive, one-sided campaigning, but show neutrality.
Clearly, this does not mean they will not take a stand, but they must provide a certain amount of necessary information in order to enable voters to arrive at an informed opinion. The best solution is for the authorities to provide voters with an explanatory report setting out not only their viewpoint or that of persons sharing it, but also the opposing viewpoint, in a balanced way
TPA spokesmen are available for live and pre-recorded broadcast interviews via 07795 084 113 (no texts)
When you recieve this propaganda here is a suggestion how to return it to the Tory party themselves using its own free post code so as to hit their coffers not the taxpayers:
Attn: Joanna George,
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
EU Parliament could be taken to the Cleaners in a bad way
The EU Parliament has belatedly woken up to the fact that Brussels airport and train stations are not the only places in the city who could be harbouring cleaners with jihadist intentions. One of its former janitors Najim Laachraoui later blew himself upduring the Brussels airport attack. He was also implicated in preparing suicide vests in the Paris attack. He worked in the Parliament complex for over six months.
Lode Vanoost a former deputy speaker at the parliament highlights this possible security nightmare. He said the problem wasn't just confined to the parliament but to all the buildings associated with the running of thee EU structures of governance.
He said outdated employment procedures were allowing the employment of people of dubious character to get such employment. Security checks are lax if indeed ever carried out.
Mr Vanoost said "Actually there is two sides to it, on the one hand who do you employ as cleaners the menial jobs in all those buildings and what and then how do you value what a security liability they are.
Actually the reality is that as long as social conditions are such you cannot guarantee security because we are not willing to pay these people and they are not willing to say ok to this people before you can work there are you willing to wait a few weeks. The procedure is so outdated its outrageous.
I am not going to say that this is something typically Belgian or whatever, because even France with their so called professional security service have not been able to prevent all these horrible attacks"
Wheres the SCOTCH beef (& Lamb too) It must be named as from the EU
Brussels won't stop: Scotch Beef now branded 'FROM EUROPE'
By Ben Borland PUBLISHED: 18:01, Sun, Feb 28, 2016Scotland's meat is advertised with the logo 'Enjoy, it's from Europe' The Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) quango was given £861,000 from the EU last year to help promote beef and lamb from north of the Border.
However, the two-year funding package comes with the condition that all advertisements must feature the logo: "Enjoy, it's from Europe." The directive has won the backing of the Scottish Government, with SNP rural affairs secretary Richard Lochhead even calling for other Scots food producers to sign up.
But consumers in London and other parts of Britain have been left puzzled as to whether the beef and lamb is actually from Scotland or elsewhere.
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The grant will go towards a sales push in the UK and five European countries - Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Sweden. Scottish farmers are also contributing £861,000 towards the campaign through the red meat industry levy, which is administered by QMS.
Jayne Adye, campaign director of Get Britain Out, said there were Scotch Beef billboards all over London marked with the "from Europe" logo and the EU flag.
Camerons new most taxing problems!
A Blairmore Holdings shareholders' prospectus issued in 2006, less than a year after David Cameron became leader of the opposition, was designed to attract investors with a licence to take risks, notes that Ian Cameron, a director of the company, "was instrumental in the formation of Blairmore Holdings Inc" it went on to explain that the fund is designed to "provide investors with steady long-term capital growth over and above the global rate of inflation".
It stated: "The affairs of the fund should be managed and conducted so that it does not become resident in the United Kingdom for UK taxation purposes."
Explaining that the firm has access to banking services in Panama as well as auditors and trading offices in the Bahamas, Blairmore Holdings was certainly keen to convince investors that the business would be beyond the reach of Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs.
Valued today at £25m, the Panamanian fund whose founder in Panama was the son of nazi SS General Erhard Mossack of Hitlers Deaths head division, was established in 1982 while David was still at Eton, the school that his father attended. Ian Cameron's offshore wealth when he died in 2010, left an estate of £2.7 million, including £300,000 in cash to David Cameron –( just below the inheritance tax threshold at that time.) However, if he did have assets outside of the UK they would have been administered in the territories in which they were registered
Panama tax scam lawyer son Nazi SS officer Deaths Head division
In recent months, the role of Britain's tax inspectors has come under renewed scrutiny. On Wednesday, David Cameron raised the subject again, telling parliament: "We have increased staffing at HMRC to ensure that we crack down on tax avoidance."
He then put pressure on the opposition to condemn Ken Livingstone for his tax affairs: "The man whom they are putting forward to be mayor of London has set up a company to funnel all this money into and is potentially paying a lower tax rate than the people who would work for him at the GLA. It is completely disgraceful." He also had a pop at coimedian Jimmy Carr calling his tax arrangements 'morally wrong'
Cameron calls Jimmy Carrs tax arrangements MORALLY WRONG!
Over to you Jimmy & Ken!
It stated: "The affairs of the fund should be managed and conducted so that it does not become resident in the United Kingdom for UK taxation purposes."
Explaining that the firm has access to banking services in Panama as well as auditors and trading offices in the Bahamas, Blairmore Holdings was certainly keen to convince investors that the business would be beyond the reach of Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs.
Valued today at £25m, the Panamanian fund whose founder in Panama was the son of nazi SS General Erhard Mossack of Hitlers Deaths head division, was established in 1982 while David was still at Eton, the school that his father attended. Ian Cameron's offshore wealth when he died in 2010, left an estate of £2.7 million, including £300,000 in cash to David Cameron –( just below the inheritance tax threshold at that time.) However, if he did have assets outside of the UK they would have been administered in the territories in which they were registered
Panama tax scam lawyer son Nazi SS officer Deaths Head division
In recent months, the role of Britain's tax inspectors has come under renewed scrutiny. On Wednesday, David Cameron raised the subject again, telling parliament: "We have increased staffing at HMRC to ensure that we crack down on tax avoidance."
He then put pressure on the opposition to condemn Ken Livingstone for his tax affairs: "The man whom they are putting forward to be mayor of London has set up a company to funnel all this money into and is potentially paying a lower tax rate than the people who would work for him at the GLA. It is completely disgraceful." He also had a pop at coimedian Jimmy Carr calling his tax arrangements 'morally wrong'
Cameron calls Jimmy Carrs tax arrangements MORALLY WRONG!
Over to you Jimmy & Ken!
Monday, 4 April 2016
The answer is that there is a FREE TRADE ZONE which encompasses the ENTIRE EUROPEAN CONTINENT.
This stretches from Iceland (A NON EU COUNTRY) all the way down to Turkey (ALSO CURRENTLY A NON EU COUNTRY)
This area as you can see from the map of Europe contains over 40 to 45 countries territories or or states depending how you count them. IE The Channel Islands as separate countries etc. While 28 of those 45 belong to the EU the remainder some 18 countries crucially do not.
However those 18 non eu countries are as fully members of the FREE TRADE ZONE as those in the political union of the EU itself. Last year this "free trading" area was further extended to encompass Moldova and the Ukraine making 20 countries outside the EU itself.
This means that EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY in Europe with just two exceptions (COLOURED YELLOW ON THE MAP) are now all included fully as part of the European Free Trade zone.
Digby Jones’ ex CBI director and and Minister of State for Trade and Investment stated that after Brexit “We will have a UK/EU Free Trade Deal in twenty-four hours”. Under Article 50, we will have two years of orderly negotiations on a free trade deal with the rump-EU. We will have the protection of WTO rules. We have the EU’s obligation under the Treaty to negotiate favourable terms with neighbouring countries. Most important of all, we have the overwhelming economic logic that as the EU’s largest customer, the EU will be obliged to seek good terms of trade with the UK."
The only exceptions to the European Free Trade Area as as you can see being Belarus and Russia. They have chosen to be part of their own trading area with other Eurasian Republics surrounding themselves.
So is anyone seriously suggesting that if the UK leaves the political union of the EU that it will be automatically cut off from a free trading zone which every other nation in Europe is whether an EU member or not fully part of?
It is such a ridiculous notion that no one even in Brussels is seriously hand on heart suggesting this could even be contemplated for the 5th largest economy on the planet. We run a trade deficit with the EU where they sell us more than we sell them. They wouild be cutting their own throats to even contemplate excluding us from the Free Trade Area. THEY SIMPLY WILL NOT DO IT!
Finally to quote 'David Cameron' 6th January 2016:
Tory Tax dodgers and the Panama papers
The leaked Panama papers includes people like David Camerons dad plus other tax dodgers like Tony Buckingham Heritage oil
and Cameron backer 3 former Conservative MPs like Michael Mates and six
members of the House of Lords like JCB heir Lord Bamford a David Rowland
who gave the Tories almost £3m, Fleming Family & Partners who
bankrolled Camerons election. Tory peer, Howard Flight a former deputy
chair of the party Sir Tony Baldry MP for Banbury. Sir Edward du Cann
and on and on it goes. Yet the real story were to concentrate on seems
is who is NOT named on this list of shame!
Icelands prime minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson who hid millions in a firm in the British Virgin Islands during the height of his countries financial crash due to its casino bankers activities is now the 1st casualty of the leaks as the revelations have caused mass protests there leading to his resignation.
Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson Resigns After Release of ‘Panama Papers’
Would that it were so here also!!
Icelands prime minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson who hid millions in a firm in the British Virgin Islands during the height of his countries financial crash due to its casino bankers activities is now the 1st casualty of the leaks as the revelations have caused mass protests there leading to his resignation.
Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson Resigns After Release of ‘Panama Papers’
Would that it were so here also!!
EU dictat stops checks on Doctor qualifications
Safety alert as EU blocks vital checks on doctors' qualifications: from 2018
Unless Britain votes to leave the EU, the NHS will have to employ European doctors without being able to check their qualifications in as little as two years, MP Gisela Stuart said.
This is because of the planned introduction of European Professional Cards, due to come into force for doctors in 2018. These will allow medics to work in the NHS without having their qualifications checked.
Mrs Stuart also said that without a Brexit, the UK will never be able to carry out systematic language tests on all doctors currently working in the country.
Unless Britain votes to leave the EU, the NHS will have to employ European doctors without being able to check their qualifications in as little as two years, MP Gisela Stuart said (file image)
+ Unless Britain votes to leave the EU, the NHS will have to employ European doctors without being able to check their qualifications in as little as two years, MP Gisela Stuart said (file image)
Under European rules, hospitals are only allowed to test those who moved to Britain after 2014 New figures show that in the past two years, 900 doctors from the continent have been turned down for work in UK hospitals or GP practices because their English is not good enough.
The Vote Leave campaign group says this suggests that hundreds of doctors from the continent may already be working in the UK without sufficient English skills because they came before language tests began Almost 11 per cent of doctors working in the UK were first registered in another European country.
- The EU will 'soon prevent hospitals from making vital checks on doctors'
- NHS will have to employ European doctors without checking qualifications
- Due to planned introduction of European Professional Cards, set for 2018
- Cards will allow medics to work in the NHS without a qualifications check
Unless Britain votes to leave the EU, the NHS will have to employ European doctors without being able to check their qualifications in as little as two years, MP Gisela Stuart said.
This is because of the planned introduction of European Professional Cards, due to come into force for doctors in 2018. These will allow medics to work in the NHS without having their qualifications checked.
Mrs Stuart also said that without a Brexit, the UK will never be able to carry out systematic language tests on all doctors currently working in the country.
Unless Britain votes to leave the EU, the NHS will have to employ European doctors without being able to check their qualifications in as little as two years, MP Gisela Stuart said (file image)
+ Unless Britain votes to leave the EU, the NHS will have to employ European doctors without being able to check their qualifications in as little as two years, MP Gisela Stuart said (file image)
Under European rules, hospitals are only allowed to test those who moved to Britain after 2014 New figures show that in the past two years, 900 doctors from the continent have been turned down for work in UK hospitals or GP practices because their English is not good enough.
The Vote Leave campaign group says this suggests that hundreds of doctors from the continent may already be working in the UK without sufficient English skills because they came before language tests began Almost 11 per cent of doctors working in the UK were first registered in another European country.
The EU LIES before you in PICTURES Just one Click Away
Blair Bating
Osbourne Lies
Mandelson on the Euro
Lamont Says Out
Camerons lying Job Offers
Even the IN CROWD Want Out Too!
EU Courts Overrule
EU Dictats
70% Corporate Financial Officers Agree Brexit is the answer
Cameron No Treaty Lies
Blair Conditioning
Cost to taxpayers of £96.5 billion for EU
Cameron About Face & does UK down (again)
Mary Cameron "My Son Sold his Soul Many Years ago"
Osbourne Lies
Mandelson on the Euro
Lamont Says Out
Camerons lying Job Offers
Even the IN CROWD Want Out Too!
EU Courts Overrule
EU Dictats
70% Corporate Financial Officers Agree Brexit is the answer
Cameron No Treaty Lies
Blair Conditioning
Cost to taxpayers of £96.5 billion for EU
Cameron About Face & does UK down (again)
Mary Cameron "My Son Sold his Soul Many Years ago"
Sunday, 3 April 2016
EU spends LESS fighting terrorism than it wastes on self PR propaganda
In the 2016 budget, the EU institutions allocated €261,978,418 to combating terrorism, but paid out at least €281,964,396 on ‘communications’.
In 2016, there are 1,021 members of staff in the European Commission working in the Directorate General for Communications. By contrast, just 392 staff worked in the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, only one of whose responsibilities is counter-terrorism (European Commission, 2016, link).
Commenting on the research, Matthew Elliott, Chief Executive of Vote Leave, said:
Ketchup wins EU PR account for smartphone messaging app LINE‘The EU places more importance on furthering the EU project than fighting terrorism, and that’s reflected in how it spends our money. The EU makes us less safe – and, as one senior MEP said this week, sees the migration crisis and recent terrorist attacks as an “opportunity” for greater political integration. Instead of handing Brussels £350 million a week which it wastes on propaganda and bureaucrats, we should spend our money on our priorities, like national security.’
Jeremy Corbyn and EU Jam Tomorrow = IF BUT EMM MEBY (2020 to be exact)
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So what exactly is Jeremys great EU plan?
Well for a start it all depends on scrapping the Cameron deal (The EU will do that for you Jeremy says Alexander Graf Lambsdorff so dont fret) then relying on his own re-negotiating skills eclipsing that of Camerons in radically reforming the EU to meet with his vision of what it should be rather than the current grim reality.
Second it relies on persuading 27 disparate EU partners to listen and act on what Jeremy wants them to do reform wise and that while he is still Her Majestys opposition.
Even to do this he expects the faithful to have to wait until after the 2020 general election which he will first have to win.
All that is also dependent on him still being labour leader by then.
Good luck with that one Jeremy!
Previously Jeremy voted against EU membership in 1975. He also voted against the Maastricht Treaty in 1993. He furthermore voted against the Lisbon Treaty in 2008. In fact he had been anti-EU for 40 years, right up until he became Labour leader, then the week after that he became very pro-EU. A principled leader and man of deep trust and convictions - MY EYE!
Why wait until 2020 for all that to be 100% right. Get rid of Cameron RIGHT NOW on June 23rd by backing plan
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