Monday 4 April 2016


The question has been asked that if we leave the Brussels Political institutions does it naturally follow that we also have to leave the European Common Market?

The answer is that there is a FREE TRADE ZONE which encompasses the ENTIRE EUROPEAN CONTINENT.

This stretches from Iceland (A NON EU COUNTRY) all the way down to Turkey (ALSO CURRENTLY A NON EU COUNTRY)

This area as you can see from the map of Europe contains over 40 to 45 countries territories or or states depending how you count them. IE The Channel Islands as separate countries etc. While 28 of those 45 belong to the EU the remainder some 18 countries crucially do not.

However those 18 non eu countries are as fully members of the FREE TRADE ZONE as those in the political union of the EU itself. Last year this "free trading" area was further extended to encompass Moldova and the Ukraine making 20 countries outside the EU itself.

This means that EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY in Europe with just two exceptions (COLOURED YELLOW ON THE MAP) are now all included fully as part of the European Free Trade zone. 

 Digby Jones’ ex CBI director and and Minister of State for Trade and Investment stated that after Brexit “We will have a UK/EU Free Trade Deal in twenty-four hours”.  Under Article 50, we will have two years of orderly negotiations on a free trade deal with the rump-EU.  We will have the protection of WTO rules.  We have the EU’s obligation under the Treaty to negotiate favourable terms with neighbouring countries.  Most important of all, we have the overwhelming economic logic that as the EU’s largest customer, the EU will be obliged to seek good terms of trade with the UK."

The only  exceptions to the European Free Trade Area as as you can see being Belarus and Russia. They have chosen to be part of their own trading area with other Eurasian Republics surrounding themselves.

So is anyone seriously suggesting that if the UK leaves the political union of the EU that it will be automatically cut off from a free trading zone which every other nation in Europe is whether an EU member or not fully part of?

It is such a ridiculous notion that no one even in Brussels is seriously hand on heart suggesting this could even be contemplated for the 5th largest economy on the planet. We run a trade deficit with the EU where they sell us more than we sell them. They wouild be cutting their own throats to even contemplate excluding us from the Free Trade Area. THEY SIMPLY WILL NOT DO IT!

Finally to quote 'David Cameron' 6th January 2016: 

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