Thursday 28 April 2016

Dutch courage could derail Obama

Mr Cameron by holding his referendum is admitting the EU is irrevocably damaging this country. His deal is so corrosive he accepted it is causing irrevocable harm to our country otherwise why bother calling June 23rd. He jetsetted across EU watering down his demands to appease his partners. Its a wonder the emperor had any clothes left and the wretched pickings are what we must vote on.

Now in the typical EU way that already dire situation has just got worse though we may not see this just yet. The Dutch people though are not so slow off the mark. TTIP the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership & TISA his Trade in Services Agreement (two of President Obamas "legacy" projects) have got them sufficently worried to call a specific referendum to get them stopped in their country.

TISA amongst other things Is to allow big US corporations to privatise "Healthcare services", as in the most profitable bits of our National Health Service with banking, and transport its other targets. See Wikileaks expose on this below.

Wikileas exposes Obamas Secret TISA deal

TTIP includes a powerful 3 x judge court which will be unchallengable by exsisting courts. One judge appointed by the corporations one by the commission and one independent allegdly. Its decisions are final and means EU members can be fined massively if they hurt profits. Philip Morris Tobacco sued Uruguay $2 billion over health warnings on cigarette packets.

This TTIP deal gives US corps a right to co-draft EU law alongside the unelected EU commission. They will use that anti democratic ability to write laws so they can legally privatise lucrative parts of our NHS. They will be able to legally reduce both wages and rights of their slaves sorry I meant workers. (After all wages hit profits soon destined for a Panama tax haven too)

Food and Farming are next

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