Thursday 21 April 2016

Obama comes to Call Me Daves for TTIP, TPP, TISA & our democracy!

President Obama who recently blamed Dave exclusively for the current dire state of Libya and hey presto next thing you know Dave is stung into action to send in the SAS so it looks like hes actually doing something about it is here on cue.  

The cue in this case to prepare the ground further for the great mans visit they had the Wall Street based IMF issue a very downbeat vision of Brexit. Who penned that report of doom why one Maurice Obstfeld current IMF head and prior to that was employed as BARRACK OBAMAS TOP FINANCIAL ADVISOR.  

 So the IMFs phropecy of doom is just a softening up exercise. No doubt after Barrack pats Dave on the head for sorting out Libya like he originally failed to do he will proceed to wave his pet numbers guys report under our noses like a latterday Chamberlain while Call Me Dave grins gormlessly like the village idiot in the background.

Obama is on record as wanting TTIP and also TPP (his Trans Pacific Partnership) plus TISA all to be part of his legacy. He is putting extra pressure on the EU to speed up the process as he fears if not done soon the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency, plus a negative Dutch referendum, or the UK brexiting could scupper the entire TTIP part of his projects prior to him exiting the political stage..

TTIP includes a powerful 3 x judge court which will be unchallengable by exsisting courts. One judge appointed by the corporations one by the commission and one independent allegdly. Its decisions are final and means EU members can be fined massively if they hurt profits. Philip Morris Tobacco sued Uruguay $2 billion over health warnings on cigarette packets.

 Big Tobacco puts countries on trial as concerns over TTIP deals mount
Furthermore TTIP deal gives US corps a right to co-draft EU law alongside the unelected EU commission. They will use that anti democratic ability to write laws so they can legally privatise lucrative parts of our NHS. They will be able to legally reduce both wages and rights of their slaves sorry I meant workers. (After all wages hurt profits soon destined for a Panama tax haven too)  

So when corporations have that law making power you can forget about worrying about a changing climate because every time you complain they will simply impose a huge fine on us and go right on polluting the environment. 

 In the meantime Barrack will have jetted off back into the sunset to a new dawn as President elect Trump stalks the Whitehouse after his job! 

Take back accountability and control


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